Friday, January 15, 2010

The Time Has Come

I've been thinking about taking my blog private for some time now, so I'm glad Michelle did a post about the same thing because it made me get my butt in gear!  One thing I don't like about blogger is that there is no way (at least that I am aware of) to request an invitation to view someone's blog if you don't already know their email address.  There have been so many times that I have stumbled across someones blog that I would love to reconnect with, but don't happen to have their email address.

With that in mind I decided to just create a whole new blog, but leave this one open as a way for people to get in touch with me if they would like to view my new (but unfortunately not improved!) blog.  Just leave a comment with your email address and I will be happy to send you an invitation!  Also, it will be a way for me to see if I actually have any friends or if I really am the big loser I think I am!!!


Life with the Leonards said... - thanks!

nmg said...

Hey April, I would still like to be able to see your blog!

Scottie and Tasha said...

invite me, invite me:

P.S. for some good memories country cafe is back in business- can you believe it? ahhh I remember the good 'ole days! ha ha ha ha ha ha

I'm a private blogger as you know and the only way I can find that people can still contact me is in my profile (about me area) is I include my email address, but people only see it if they check my profile. Sorry not much help... I think your idea works better!

Amie said...

My friend did this same thing, and she still leaves a message on her old blog every time she updates. That way her name still floats to the top of my blog list when she has a new post and I can link from there, to her new private blog. Pretty smart, if it isn't too much troule.

Michelle said...

Hey girl,

Heather said...

Steph said...
I wanna come too

Amber said...
I want an invite.

DEFRIEZ said...

Add me please!

Tasha said...

Hey! I would love an invite!

Pressett Family said...

We just found your blog through Jordan. It has been a very long time but we would love an invite.
Jon and Stasha Pressett
send us your email address too if you would like to view our blog as well.

Tammy said...

I want an

"Good Times" said...

Ashley said...

I would love to see your blog, I am way behind on checking blogs lately.

Keenan and Brittani Atwood said...

Lovely Lisa said...

OK, never mind how I found you. But I am sooooo glad I did. This is your old Snow roomie! I would love to get back in touch via blogland. Email me at lisannyoung (at) gmail (dot) com. Our blog is private, too, but I'll send you an invitation once I hear from you.

ps. I can't believe how stinking cute your kids are! :)

Rohm Family said...

oh oh invite me :)

Housewife on Fire said...

I would love to follow your fam's blog! {If you'll have me ;)}